
New Jersey Individual Mandate Latches On To Federal Reporting Obligations

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In late January, the state of New Jersey posted new information about its individual health insurance mandate that went into effect on January 1 of this year.  Of interest to most impacted employers are the tactics and mechanics associated with how this mandate will be enforced.  Here is what we know about its impact upon the annual reporting process:







Of course, the potential game changer to all this would come with a decision by the federal government to alter its reporting requirements in response to the discontinuation of its individual mandate.  Should this happen, the state of New Jersey has very generally stated that it will “deploy similar New Jersey forms”.


The Bottom Line

New Jersey’s recent posting gives us enough to go on for now, yet is generally light on details.  Without question and as outlined, this mandate and its reporting requirements will add to the federal reporting process.  We will continue to monitor developments in this area throughout 2019 and be prepared to introduce more specific considerations as both this state’s and the future federal reporting landscapes take shape.